ISM Chat

I think that's self explanatory. You can actually chat in lots of places. Well, here are some places that you can chat on.

TWO BEST WAYS SO FAR!! IRC and WEBCHAT!!! (Check out the ISM Chatroom. It's awesome!)

IRC - this stands for Inter-Relay Chat. It's the most common form of real-time chatting.

How to go to IRC.

WAY #1 You can either download mIRC at and install it in your computer. This is best when you have your own computer. mIRC is probably the best software for IRC. I've never seen anything better.

  • After installing mIRC, you can join channels #ism or #ism97 and explore from there.
  • WAY #2 Through UNIX (UNIX is the name of the operating system and it's black and white..and you type pine to check your mails.. yes, that one) Please note that not all UNIX systems support IRC, but most do.

  • At the UNIX prompt , type "irc [nick] 7000" (without the quotes) [provide yourself with a nickname. e.g. my nick is joan-]
  • After getting in, type "/j #ism" or "/j #ism97" (without the quotes).
  • WEBCHAT- chatting on the Web using Netscape or Internet Explorer! This is probably an easier way, because all you have to do is....

    CLICK ME!!